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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Covenant Ministries of America online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or call for a meeting with Pastor Dan. We would love meet you and just build a relationship over coffee or lunch .

Our Mission
  • To reveal the person and work of Jesus Christ and His New Covenant.​

  • To make disciples by balancing sound biblical doctrine with relationships in order to walk in the love and power of Christ.

  • To restore the church to Gods original intent as outlined in the book of Acts and the Epistles.

  • To take the church to the streets with signs and miracles and have a place to meet as the church and to become educated in the the teachings and ways of Christ.​

  • To create a Biblical Institute of Studies and send out those called to ministry. 



You can donate to this ministry by clicking the donate link below. It's done through Pay Pal. We wanted to set it up as a free will donation but Pay Pal required a set amount in order to set up the account. We set it at $2.00 but you can donate what ever you wish to. Thank you for  being a partner with us and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. ​

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